Saturday, April 17, 2010

What I Want to be When I grow Up

"What I want to be when I grow up" today is definitely not "what I want to be when I grow up" 50 years ago.....
Back then, it was about being the smartest, prettiest, most popular, best dressed person you knew with the same kind of smart, pretty, popular and well dressed group of friends and having a family with all those same qualifications. And choosing a vocation in life that allowed you to be and have a continuous stream of smart, pretty, popular and well dressed. Thank God(really..thank you Lord) that He never handed out smart, pretty,popular and well dressed to me then and intervened when it appeared a few of those things might have started to come around. It appears He was giving me a reality check by having the life I have had, so NOW I can say with all honesty what I want to be when I grow up....


I want my sense of humor to stay in the room for 2 hours...after I leave. I want to make people feel so good about themselves that they smile sweetly and cherish the potshots I take at their lifestyles and beliefs. I want to write books that aren't necessarily page turners, but the tales they tell can be re-run as snippets in millions of heads when needed. I want to portray the frailty of human spirit, and the strength of it's resolve. I want to tell stories to people who can vividly see the beloved characters and flesh out their personalities with my flavorful descriptions. And of course, I want to channel Ben Franklin...just in case I run out of Garrison Keillor.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

When I go back...where will it be?

Everyone seems to have some idea as to where they may end up....after the big "D" happens; will it be something like Holodeck scenes from Star Trek, where people get to go where they imagine? Do we create our own imaginary world to be an archetypical heaven? And if I am with others, do they see things the same way or the way they want to? And who performs the life review that will tell me just how often (and how far) I fell from grace? And...what if I don't agree with my review, do I have a right to protest?? Oh the questions upon questions!

In my ideal universe this will happen:
1.) How death occurs doesn't matter-it will go by quickly(and couldn't be as bad as childbirth-hey, I got over that!).
2.) A kind, wise Yoda type or even Obiwan would be a wonderful life reviewer. Spare me a sarcastic type, like Jimmie Kimmel or Dick Cheney.
3.) All feelings of guilt(that hallway closet didn't get cleaned before I departed!) and shame(why didn't they pick me for Red Rover..until last) and sorrow(did the kids learn enough from me that they will be ok), will fade and disappear.
4.) The Library of all Knowledge will be open all the time, and my card is good forever.
5.) Ben Franklin will invite me in for coffee; and we will talk for hours about all the people he knew and the places he visited.
6.) If I get tired, my energy stream will go staight-away and renew on the planets and moons of my original home.
7.) God sends me a "Get out of jail free" card. This will put and end to this merry-go-round of life on earth.
8.) There will be a really long siesta by the Hay Pile that Van Gogh painted.
9.) I will do all I can to sneak a peek at God, Jesus or even some of the angels.
10.) I am at peace.

Not much to ask for the afterlife, wouldn't you agree?